FireBase (Google)

FireBase is a Google service which provides database access via an API.

FireBase is a Google service which provides database access via an API. There are subcategories of services that are integrated with FireBase such as FireBase Messages. A lot of iOS apps use this service and store sensitive information, such as API keys and URLs in plist files usually named GoogleService-Info.plist or similar.

Richards-iPad:/var/containers/Bundle/Application root# find . -iname "Google*.plist"

It is possible to test the FireBase Messaging API with the following curl command replacing the API key with the one found in the plist.

Requires a custom token, and an API key.

Obtain ID token and refresh token from custom token and API key:

 curl -s -XPOST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"token":":custom_token","returnSecureToken":True}' ''

Exchange ID token for auth token:

curl -s -XPOST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"idToken":":id_token"}'

Credit for the curl request goes to KeyHacks by Streaak (

Last updated